Suppliers Zibo Zhoucun Mingying Towel Blanket Co.,Ltd Sell Lift the satin embroiders to spend the kitchen towel
Details for China Lift the satin embroiders to spend the kitchen towel

Lift the satin embroiders to spend the kitchen towel

Lift the satin embroiders to spend the kitchen towel Product Type:

Home Textile >> Towel

Keyword: Lift the satin embroiders to spend the kitchen towel
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Contact Us
Company Name: Zibo Zhoucun Mingying Towel Blanket Co.,Ltd 
Company Address: No.8558,Zhengyang Road ,Zhoucun 
Contact Person: Cuijian 
Telephone Number: 0533-6533049 
Mobile: 13964378222 
Fax Number: +86-533-6530049 