Suppliers Yibin Changyi Pulp Co., Ltd.
Company Info

Changyi Pulp Co.,Ltd., of Yibin Sichuan is a sophisticated Chemical pulp manufactory. Our cellulose products are wide used in viscose industry. The main clients include: Yibin Grace, Birla China,Tangshan Sanyou, Hangzhou Xiangsheng textile etc. With great success on bamboo dissolving technology recently, we scheduled our aggressive plan to worldwide.

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Contact us
Company Name: Yibin Changyi Pulp Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: Yanpingba, Nanguang Town , Cuiping, Yibin , Sichuan, 
Zip: 644000 
Contact Person: Mr. Victor Wu 
Telephone Number: 0086-0831-2401987 
Mobile: 008613778962390 
Fax Number: 0086-0831-2401993 
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