Hengyi and Rongsheng see rising operating income but falling net profit in 2022 – ChinaTexnet.com
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Hengyi and Rongsheng see rising operating income but falling net profit in 2022

2023-05-04 08:59:49 CCFGroup

Hengyi Petrochemical disclosed its 2022 annual report that during the reporting period, operating income reached 152.05 billion yuan, an increase of 17.26% over last year, while the net profit belonging to shareholders of listed companies was -1.08 billion yuan, down 131.96% year on year.

Rongsheng Petrochemical (002493) released the 2022 annual report, during the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 289.095 billion yuan, an increase of 57.91% over last year; net profit belonging to shareholders of listed companies was 3.34 billion yuan, down 74.76% on annual basis.
