Indonesia continues to implement safeguard measures on imported curtains –
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Indonesia continues to implement safeguard measures on imported curtains

2023-05-26 08:30:58 FW

On May 22, 2023, the WTO Safeguard Measures Committee released a notification of safeguard measures submitted by the Indonesian delegation on May 19. On April 26, 2023, the Indonesian Ministry of Finance issued Regulation No. 45 of 2023, which continues to impose safeguard taxes on imports of curtains (including drapes), interior blinds, bed valances, and other furnishing articles for a period of three years, as follows: from May 22, 2023 to May 21, 2024, the tax is set at 22,717 Indonesian Rupiah per kilogram; from May 22, 2024 to May 21, 2025, the tax is set at 16,595 Indonesian Rupiah per kilogram; and from May 22, 2025 to May 21, 2026, the tax is set at 10,473 Indonesian Rupiah per kilogram. The relevant Indonesian tax codes are 6303.12.00, 6303.19.00, 6303.91.00, 6303.92.00, 6303.99.00, 6304.19.90, 6304.91.90, and 6304.92.00. The safeguard measures do not apply to the products imported by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region of China. On September 18, 2019, Indonesia initiated a safeguard investigation on imports of the above-mentioned products.


On November 9, 2019, Indonesia imposed temporary safeguard measures on the imports for a period of 200 days. On May 27, 2020, Indonesia officially imposed safeguard measures on the imports, which was in effect until November 8, 2022. On April 25, 2022, upon the request of Indonesian domestic producers, the Indonesian Safeguard Committee initiated the first sunset review investigation of the case. On August 12, 2022, the WTO Safeguard Measures Committee released a notification of safeguard measures submitted by the Indonesian delegation, which announced the first sunset review decision made by the Indonesian Safeguard Committee.


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