Chemical repellent - Antistatic - Flame resistant –
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Chemical repellent - Antistatic - Flame resistant

Chemical repellent - Antistatic - Flame resistant
Date Posted:2014-08-14 10:11:13
Expiration Date:long
Note: We are looking for a special fabric used for gas area workers. Please check all the pdf files from the attachament. There you will find all the techincal requirments of the fabric. You will find also test reports and pictures of it. The fabric must meet all the standards we specigied in the techincal requirments 100%. Please make us an offer only if you can produce by yourself this fabric, doesent have sense to make us an offer if you take the fabric from a supplier. Because we will choose only the lowest offer. You can write on my email, or on Trade Manager app. I will not answer if you are not reffering to the fabric we are looking for.

Make your best offer from the begining, because I recive many offers, so I will not have time to negociate, I will chose the lowest offer. I am looking for 6 fabrics. I named all the fabrics we are looking from 2 to 7. Please have a look also on the other Buying Requests from us.
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Nimar SRL

Address: Jud. Mures-Reghin, Str. Garii nr. 78 / A ROMANIA

Contact: Nimar SRL

Phone: 0040-265-513.232

Fax: 0040-265-513.832



