Genuine Leather –
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Genuine Leather

Genuine Leather
Date Posted:2016-10-27 10:29:10
Expiration Date:long

I wish to bring to your notice of a raw material supply business opportunity from India. I am an employee of a pharmaceutical company in USA and UK working as the purchasing manager. I have been in charge of purchase of raw materials from India and other part of the world for my employer, but recently I got promoted to the post of Production Manager and someone has been appointed as the purchasing manager hence, he will be in charge of raw material procurement. I have been requested to submit the contact details of my supplier in India, so that the new purchasing manager would directly contact them for next purchase.
This material can be found in India and Fiji only but the price is cheaper in India. I want you to act as my supplier from India. I intend to present you to our company as the dealer in India from whom I usually purchase this product. Then I would give you the contact details of main dealer in India from whom I purchased the product on behalf of my company. After purchasing from original dealer, you would sale to our new purchasing manager at a higher price, he will meet with you in India and purchase the product from you base on my recommendation. The profit would be shared between you and I. This business is very lucrative and it is continuous.
Your role must be played perfectly and the least I expect from you is betrayal after you might have received payment from our new purchasing manager.
Note: Please I don’t want the company to know the real cost of the product because of my personal interest and reputation.
Get back to me If you are willing to do this business with me, you can as well appoint someone you trust who will not betray our interest to handle this deal if you are not chanced to do this, its a simple buying and selling business.
Hope to hear from you soon!

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Benjamin Jones


Contact: Benjamin Jones





