Yiwu Nuofei Bag & Pack Factory was founded in 2003 and is located in Yiwu which is a famous international trade city in China. We specialize in designing, producing and exporting different kinds of bags. During the past years, we have won a good reputation and served customers all over the world with the tenet of "honesty, professionalism, eximious quality, and innovative design". Now, our factory has become an integrated bag manufacturer with advanced production equipment and of skilled workers. With high quality, unrivaled cost and strict implementation of 5S management system, our products sell well in many countries and regions.
In 2008, in response to environmental concept, we set up a production base in Qianku which is a professional non-woven bag production factory.
Whatever your needs, our products can be made to meet your requirements for different uses. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our products. Let's cooperate and create a bright future together.