Suppliers Huaian Rainbow Towel Weaving Co.,Ltd.
Company Info

Huaian Rainbow Towel Weaving Co.,Ltd. is a leading professional commercial towels (such as hotel towels, hospitality towels) and robes manufacturer in China, who is committed to manufacturing and supplying top quality various toweling products: hotel towels or hotel collection towels , hospitality towels , bath towels , sport towels , fitness towels , gym towels , bathrobes , spa robes , hotel bathrobes or hotel robes , spa robes, hand towels , face towels , bath mats , beach towels and toweling or terrycloth.  The company was founded by Mr. Licheng Yuan in 2001( Initial company name:Huaian Rainbow Towel Factory) and enjoys high reputation of high reliability all along .

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Contact us
Company Name: Huaian Rainbow Towel Weaving Co.,Ltd. 
Company Address: north central rd, Industrial park of Songji xiang 
Zip: 223236 
Contact Person: James Yang 
Telephone Number: 86-517-85119969 
Mobile: 18036550060 
Fax Number:  