Suppliers Sea Way Shipping & Enterprises Ltd
Products Showroom
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  • Space-booking Service for Export cargo

    Sea Way Shipping provides a wide scope of business for cargo on terms of FCL,LCL or break bulk,including space booking,customs clearance,cargo inspection,inland trasportation,barges,railway,container stuffing,ship loading & marine insurance ect.It ha

  • Space-booking for import cargo

    After receiving clients booking note for import cargo,we will instruct loading port agents to contact shippers to arrange shipment by terms of FCL,LCL or break bulk according to the details of shipment and the required arrival time of the cargo.

  • Inland haulage

    We provides client import cargo customs clearance,commodity inspection,quarantine,stuffing,cargo door to door service in the Chinese main ports(Shanghai Tianjin Guangzhou Shenzhen Ningbo).And our company have our own container yards and warehouses,pr

  • Air-cargo booking

    With good relationship with a lot of airlines,We have our own offices in airports, accepts export & import cargo booking,provides customs clearance,quarantine,storage and delivery service.

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