Suppliers Suzhou Wanping Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company Info

We are a company that specializes in the manufacture of industrial sewing machines. In 1994 we established reorganized the company according to the principles of a typical enterprise. A later change occurred in 1998 when we became a joint-stock company. What was most successful about this change was that at the same time we introduced the Baojia brand of industrial sewing machines. This brand has now become a byword for quality among buyers in the industry. All our products are professionally manufactured using the latest equipment, for instance a horizontal processing center in addition to the most advanced painting line, a line we have imported from Japan. Besides having at our disposal a powerful technological base, the company spirit is one that places the customer first, which in turn puts a high premium on quality, as we know that this is the only thing that will give our custom

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Contact us
Company Name: Suzhou Wanping Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: Wanping Town 
Zip: 215223 
Contact Person: Mr. Yaoguo Cao 
Telephone Number: 86-512-63391248 
Fax Number: 86-512-63391595 
Company Info