Suppliers Sichuan Weiyuan County Xindian Silk Co.,Ltd. Sell filature silk
Details for China filature silk

filature silk

filature silk Product Type:

Fiber >> Silk >> Silk

Keyword: filature silk
FOB price:
Expiration Date: 90
If you are interested, please contact us!
  • Detailed Product Description
    Our company is the first silk reeling enterprise in the province that assumes sole responsibility for its profits or losses and keeps separate accounts. our company can produce 180t raw silk and 1,600,000m silk per year.
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Contact Us
Company Name: Sichuan Weiyuan County Xindian Silk Co.,Ltd. 
Company Address: 21 Jiaotong St., Xindian town, Weiyuan county, Sichuan province, China 
Zip: 642451 
Contact Person: Hou Yong 
Telephone Number: 0832-8523888 
Fax Number: +86-832-8523888 
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