melton woolen fabric-purple/dark red in stock 50w40P10OTHER 650G/M 150cm width 16960Z-2 Description: The model number of this product is 16960Z-2, it belongs to melton wool fabric. The component and its weight is the sam
Description: This fabric is a elegant, first class quality knotted fabric, graceful color * Available in many colors, you pick up the color * Soft and Romantic. * Knit fabrics are comfortable, easy to sew, and travel beautifully &
Description: This is the only color we have in stock now of the double faced wool coating fabric with different colors of two sides. There are two color of its two sides. One is light grey and another one is medium grey.
Red Melton Wool Fabric Many Colors in stock on sale 60w 30p 10other 650g/m Woman/Man's garment/apparel Description: Melton fabric is a dense tightly woven fabric that is felted and heavily brushed for an ultra soft hand. This v
68011-3 Jacquard/Located Woolen Fabric 50w 15v 35P / 750g/m For Men's Coat Description: Although called Jacquard woolen fabric, it can also belong to located wool fabric. The distance of the big gap between the t
Description: This snowflake woven fabric is one of lightweight wool fabtic. The touch of its surface doesn't like the overcoating wool fabric, it is more like the touch of velour fabric. This l