Suppliers Guangzhou Huade Carpet Co.,ltd
Company Info

Guangzhou Huade Carpet Co.,ltd is now one of the largest China onefold carpet manufacturers in the country with a manufacturing capacity in excess of 12 million square metres of tufted carpet per year,ranked sale volume No.1 in domestic carpet market since 1998. Huade Carpets are being specified and supplied for both residential and commercial prodjects throughout the country and other countries in Asia,Africa,etc, and The Design Resource Group of Huade is ready to work with you to assist in the selection of the most appropriate HUADE carpet for your requirements.

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Contact us
Company Name: Guangzhou Huade Carpet Co.,ltd 
Company Address: Liurong Rd,Liurong Building,Guangzhou 
Zip: 510180 
Contact Person: Cherry 
Telephone Number: 020-88161029 
Mobile: 13048055731 
Fax Number:  
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