Suppliers Nantong Yagao Textile Co.,Ltd.
Company Info

Nantong Yagao Textile Co.,Ltd. has been dealing in hotel linen business since year of 1996 and constructed the larged-sized production base since 2002.As an expert,Yagao has thoroughly kept devoting into designing,manufacturing and marketing a variety of hotel textile products maily aim at high grade hotels with 4 stars or above銆俆he products include bed linen,dining linen,bathroom towel and conference room cloth such as bed sheets,coverlets,pillow cases.bed skirt,quilts,pillows,mattress pads,bed throws,bed covers,clasp piilows,table cloth,chair covers,table skirt etc. Our professional designers care much about personalized scheme matching to each hotel鈥檚 style.Sincere sales team provide cusomers with reasonable combination of the products and patient services all through;The quality and each production details are under inspection by the production line.Those important advantages

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Company Name: Nantong Yagao Textile Co.,Ltd. 
Company Address: No.60,Guoqiang Road,Gangzha Development Zone,Nantong,Jiangsu,China 
Zip: 226000 
Contact Person: YOUNG 
Telephone Number: 0513-8566 1981 
Mobile: 13912286321 
Fax Number: 86-513-85660620 
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